水井 汉代,高30cm,底为11×11cm,施绿釉,有井架的造型。well in han dynasty,a pottery,30cm in height,11cmx11cm in bottom,color of green glazingwith a model of derrick.[陶器] 发表时间:2022-05-13
瓦当 汉代,直径18.5cm,铭刻吉祥语纹饰。eaves tile in han dynasty,18.5cm in diameter,carving decoration of blessingof good luck and happiness in it.[陶器] 发表时间:2022-05-13
骨灰罐 宋代,高22.5cm,口径14cm,底经12.8cm。敛口,鼓腹,饼形足,肩部贴塑饰有十二生肖,腹部有刻划纹,碗形盖,盖口为荷叶纹,为套罐之内罐。jar of bone ash in songdynasty,22.5cm in height,14cm in caliber,16cm in heightof the cover,12.8cm in bottomdiameter,contracted opening,protr...[陶器] 发表时间:2022-05-13
骨灰罐 宋代,高28cm,口径27cm,底径19.5cm。敛口,饰莲瓣纹,罐口塑荷叶纹,钵形盖,盖沿塑荷叶纹,塔形纽,为套罐之外罐。jar of bone ash in songdynasty,27cm in caliber,28cm in height,19.5cm inbottom diameter,contractedopening,decoration withlotus flower petal,lotusleaves pas...[陶器] 发表时间:2022-05-13
谷仓罐 明代,高19cm,口径7cm,底径9cm,周身贴塑龙纹装饰。pot of food crop in ming dynasty,pottery material,19cm in height,7cm in caliber,9cmin bottom diameter,decoration of dragon design pasting in whole of the pot.[陶器] 发表时间:2022-05-13
壶 唐代,高20cm,腹径12.5cm,盘口,竹节形颈,鼓腹平底,环形把,细长形流,施青釉至腹中部,下部露胎。pot in tang dynasty,20cm in height,12.5 diameter in belly part,plate-shaped opening,neck of bamboo joint shape,protrudingin belly part and flat bottom,handle in ring shap...[陶器] 发表时间:2022-05-13
熏炉 又名博山炉,汉代,绿釉部分脱落,高17m,底径11.5cm,为熏香用品的明器。censer in han dynasty,17cm in height,11.5cm in bottom diameter,falling off green glaze,in some part of thecenser,an utensil for incense[陶器] 发表时间:2022-05-13
画像砖 宋代,长45cm,宽32cm,厚2cm。portrait brick in song dynasty,45cm in height,32cm in width,2cm in thickness.[陶器] 发表时间:2022-05-13
厕圈 汉代,长36.7cm,宽26cm,高17.7cm,长方形,室内地板中留有长方形孔洞,下通猪圈。closestool pen in han dynasty,36.7cm in length,26cm in width,17.7cm inheight,square,a rectangle hole in the room is designed to hold the closestoopen which is connected to a sty.this device...[陶器] 发表时间:2022-05-13
厕圈 汉代,长22.2cm,宽20.3cm,高24cm,方形,厕与圈相连,圈墙底有排气口和矩形清扫窗口,圈内有一陶胎绿釉猪模型。closestool pen in han dynasty,22.2cm in length,20.3cm in width,24cm inheight,square,connection between the closestool and the pen,a vent anda window in rectangle for cle...[陶器] 发表时间:2022-05-13