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   作为课题负责人,承担了科技部“十五”公关、国家新药创制“十一五” 、“十二五” 重大专项、国家自然科学基金面上项目等7项国家级课题;作为主研,参与了国家 “九五” 攻关项目、国家 “863” 项目、药典委员会、四川省科技厅等多项科研课题的研究工作;负责并参与多个中药新药的开发,已有二十余个新药上市生产。获得四川省科技进步三等奖2项、江西省科技进步二等奖1项。作为主编出版教材及专著8部,副主编10部。发表文章270余篇。以第一发明人申请并获得专利授权8项,其中转让2项。主要研究方向:中药制剂新技术、新剂型研究。


1. jin xie, shimin tian, jun liu, shengjie huang, ming yang, xiangbo yang, runchun xu, junzhi lin, li han*. ding-kun zhang. combination therapy with indigo and indirubin for ulcerative colitis via reinforcing intestinal barrier function. oxidative medicine and cellular longevity. 2023;2894695

2. 黄胜杰,苏娟,葛春丽,谢锦,郭治平,杨明,伍振峰,张定堃*,韩丽*. 基于粉体表面改性的青黛干混悬剂制备与评价,药学学报,2023.2

3. jun liu, jin xie, junzhi lin, xingliang xie, sanhu fan, xue han, ding-kun zhang*, li han*. the material basis of astringency and the deastringent effect of polysaccharides: a revie. food chemistry. (2022) 134946

4. xuan deng, haozhou huang, shengjie huang, ming yang, jing wu, zhimin ci, yanan he, zhenfeng wu, li han* and dingkun zhang*. insight into the incredible effects of microwave heating: driving changes in the structure, properties and functions of macromolecular nutrients in novel food. frontiers in nutrition. 2022.941527

5. jiao song, wei liao, xuan deng, dingkun zhang, junzhi lin, runchun xu*,li han* analysis of the pharmacodynamic difference between xiaojin pills taken with chinese baijiu and water based on serum pharmacochemistry and pharmacokinetics. journal of ethnopharmacology. (2023) 115723

6. shengjie huang, haozhou huang, jin xie, fang wang, sanhu fan, ming yang, chuan zheng, li han*, dingkun zhang*. the latest research progress on the prevention of storage pests by natural products: species, mechanisms, and sources of inspiration. arabian journal of chemistry. 2022.104189


8. ji yu, jin xie, huijuan xie, qi hu, zhenfeng wu, xinfu cai, zhiping guo, junzhi lin, li han* and dingkun zhang*. strategies for taste masking of orodispersible dosage forms: time,concentration, and perception. molecular pharmaceutics. 2022,9(3007)

9.jin xie; shimin tian; jun liu; ruiyi cao; pengfei yue; xinfu cai; qiang shang; ming yang; li han*. ding-kun zhang*.dual role of the nasal microbiota in neurological diseases—an unignorable risk factor or a potential therapy carrier. pharmarchological research.2022, 106189

10. haozhou huang; peng tan; mengqi li; qinchu tan; jihai gao; xiaoming bao; sanhu fan; taigang mo; wanmin mao; feng lin; li han*; dingkun zhang*; junzhi lin*. quality analysis combined with mass spectrometry imaging reveal the difference between wild and cultivated phyllanthus emblica linn.: from chemical composition to molecular mechanism. arabian journal of chemistry. 2022.103790

11. qian-hui zhang, hao-zhou huang, min qiu, zhen-feng wu, zhan-chang xin,xin-fu cai, qiang shang, jun-zhi lin, ding-kun zhang* and li han*. traditional uses, pharmacological effects, and molecular mechanisms of licorice in potential therapy of covid-19. frontiers in pharmacology. 2021.719758

12. jiao song, bi feng, dingkun zhang, min qiu, fei ran, bo cao, hong xu, junzhi lin*, runchun xu*, li han*. comparative study on the pharmacodynamic difference of oral administration of xiaojin pills accompanied with chinese baijiu and water. journal of ethnopharmacology. 2021, 278:114284



