教授,博士生导师,“珠江学者”讲座教授,“天府学者”特聘专家,国家中医药传承创新团队首席科学家,中国中医科学院青蒿素研究中心副主任,首席研究员。主要研究青蒿素抗疟、抗癌的机制以及其他药物及天然产物的药物靶标与作用机理。课题组结合化学生物学、蛋白质组学、代谢组学、分子生物学以及单细胞测序等相关交叉领域的研究方法、围绕药物的作用靶点及其作用机制展开系统研究。近年来在包括青蒿素在内的中药及天然产物的靶标、作用机理和抗药研究及细胞自噬药物筛选平台建立等方面取得了一系列研究进展与突破,近年来以通讯/第一作者在new england journal of medicine、 lancet、lancet infectious disease, nature communications、nature protocols、jacs、angew. chem. intl. ed.、acs central science、acs nano、autophagy、trends in pharmacological sciences、pharmacology & therapeutics、journal of extracellular vesicles、 medicinal research reviews等国际高水平刊物上发表论文140余篇(影响因子>2500),其中影响因子大于10的70余篇,撰写methods enzymol.书籍章节3篇。同时兼职多种国际权威刊物的编委或审稿人。近年来主持国家中医药传承创新团队项目,国自然面上,科技部重大专项子项目,科技部新药创制专项子项目等国家、省市级课题20余项。申请专利20余项。
1.xia p#, yuan ht#, tian m#, zhong ty#, hou r, xu xl, ma jb, wang hf, li zf, huang df, qu cm, dai ly, xu cc, yang cb, jiang hb, he yq, rückert f, li zj*, yuan yf*, wang jg*. (2022) surface-engineered extracellular vesicles with cdh17 nanobodies to efficiently deliver imaging probe and chemo-photothermal drugs for gastric cancer theragnostic. advanced functional materials. 2209393. *(corresponding author) (if:19.924 )
2.wang jg, xu cc, wong yk, he yk, adegnika aa, kremsner pg, agnandji st, sall aa, liang z, qiu c, liao fl, jiang tl. krishna s, tu youyou*. (2020) preparedness is essential for malaria-endemic regions during the covid-19 outbreak. lancet. 395(10230):1094-1096. (if:202.731)
3.wang jg*, xu cc*, liao fl, jiang tl, sanjeev k*, tu youyou. (2019) a temporising solution to "artemisinin resistance". new england journal of medicine. 380:2087-2089 (corresponding author) (if:176.079)
4.luo p#, liu dd#, zhang q#, yang f#, wong yk, xia f, zhang jz, chen jy, tian y, yang cb, dai ly*, shen hm*, wang jg*. (2022) celastrol induces ferroptosis in activated hscs to ameliorate hepatic fibrosis via targeting peroxiredoxins and ho-1. acta pharmaceutica sinica b. 12(5):2300-2314. *(corresponding author) (if: 14.903)
5.zhang q#, xia f#, luo p#, chen jy, zhang jz, liu dd , zhu yp, liu yq, gu lw, tang h, zheng lh, li zj, yang f, dai ly, xu cc. *wang jg. (2022).chemoproteomics reveals capsaicin ameliorated inflammation via targeting pkm2 mediated warburg effect in sepsis. cell chemical biology . 29, 1248–1259.*(corresponding author). (if:9.039)
6.zhang w#, xia sy#, xiao w#, song yl#, tang l, cao m, yang j, wang s, li zj, xu cc, liu jq*, zhao sc*, yang cb*, wang jg*. (2022) a single-cell transcriptomic landscape of mouse testicular aging. journal of advanced research. doi:10.1016/j.jare.2022.12.007. (*corresponding author) (if: 11.6)
7.yuan ht#, hong xp#, ma h#, fu cj#, guan yd, huang w, ma jb, xia p, cao m, zheng lh, xu xl, xu cc, liu dz*, li zj*, geng qs*, wang jg*. (2022) mxenes-based dual functional nanocomposite with photothermal nanozyme catalytic activity to fight bacterial infections. acs materials letters, doi:10.1021/acsmaterialslett.2c00771 *(corresponding author) (if: 11.170).
8.çapcı a, lorion mm, wang h, simon n, leidenberger m, silva mb, moreira dr, zhu yp, meng yq, chen yj, lee ym, friedrich o, kappes b, wang jg*, ackermann l*. tsogoeva s*. (2019) artemisinin–(iso)quinoline hybrids by c−h activation and click chemistry: combating multidrug‐resistant malaria. angew. chem. int. ed., 58(37):13066–13079. *(corresponding author) (if:16.823) (cover story) highlighted in nature, top downloaded paper.
9.zhang jb#*, sun x#, wang lm#, wong yk, lee ym, zhou c, wu gq, zhao tw, yang l, lu lq, zhong jn, huang ds*, wang jg*. (2018). artesunate-induced mitophagy alters cellular redox status. redox biology, 19, 263-273. *(corresponding author) (if: 10.787)
10.wang jg#*, zhang cj#, chia wn, loh ccy, li zj, lee ym, he yk, yuan lx, lim tk, liu m, liew cx, lee yq, zhang jb, lu nc, lim ct, hua zc, liu b, shen hm, tan ksw*, lin qs*. (2015) haem-activated promiscuous targeting of artemisinin in plasmodium falciparum. nature communications, 6:10111. *(corresponding author) (if:17.694) (525cites)