(1)isoindolines and phthalides from the rhizomes of ligusticum chuanxiong and their relaxant effects on the uterine smooth muscle,phytochemistry,2022, 198: 113159
(2)two pairs of 7,7′-cyclolignan enantiomers with anti-inflammatory activities from perilla frutescens,molecules,2022, 27(18): 6102
(3)pro-angiogenic effects of essential oil from perilla frutescens and its main component (perillaldehyde) on zebrafish embryos and human umbilical vein,drug design, development and therapy,2021, 15: 4985-4999
(4)monoester-type c19-diterpenoid alkaloids from aconitum carmichaelii and their cardiotoxicity,records of natural products,2022, 16(4): 324-334
(5) 国家自然科学基金,基于茋类成分和akt/gsk-3β/β-catenin通路研究白及诱导肺癌细胞自噬的物质基础及作用机制,主持。
(6) 四川省科学技术厅,肺科良药白及中抗非小细胞肺癌新颖茋类成分的发现与研究,主持。