长期从事药用植物天然产物结构、功能与生物合成等相关研究。主持国家杰出青年科学基金、国家自然科学基金重点、nsfc-云南联合基金重点、国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)专题、国家自然科学基金面上(3项)等各类科研项目20余项。在angewandte chemie international edition、plant cell(封面论文)、new phytologist、natural product reports、trends in analytical chemistry、organic letters等主流sci期刊发表论文130余篇,出版《二萜化学》专著。获云南省自然科学一等奖,获授权发明专利10项。主要学术兼职包括国家天然药物工程技术研究中心技术委员会委员、中国中药协会中药材检测认证技术专业委员会委员、中国植物学会植物化学和资源学专业委员会委员、中国植物生理与分子生物学学会植物代谢专业委员会委员、中国生态学会化学生态专业委员会委员、中国植物保护学会常务理事/植物化感作用专业委员会主任委员、国际期刊plant communications(if=8.625)、frontiers in plant science(if=6.627)、natural product & bioprospecting(springer)、medicinal plant biology副主编或编委和40余个sci期刊的审稿人等。
国际上率先建立和运用单细胞水平植物天然产物研究新方法lmd-cryonmr-uplc/ms/ms,揭示了系列药用植物腺毛中的活性天然产物及生物功能;从唇形科和龙胆科药用植物中发现四个家族系列新颖骨架的二倍半萜化合物180余个,占全世界天然二倍半萜总数的13%以上,发现其抗炎免疫、减脂等重要生物活性;从30余种药用及特色资源植物中发现化合物2000余个,其中新化合物600余个,有重要研究价值和潜在应用前景的活性化合物40余个,建立了特色天然化合物库,其中30%以上为本研究团队发现的新物质;鉴定了植物二倍半萜生物合成关键酶lcgfdps,首次揭示了该类天然产物的生源途径和起源进化,填补了国际上对植物二倍半萜生物合成认识的空白;发现了催化合成十八元最大碳环结构天然二倍半萜的新颖萜类合酶lctps2及二倍半萜产物的免疫抑制活性;受邀在天然产物领域权威综述期刊natural product reports分别发表植物腺毛天然产物和植物二倍半萜研究长篇综述。研究工作为相关药用植物资源的合理开发利用奠定了重要物质基础和科学依据,有力促进了天然药物化学向超微量、高精确度和多学科交叉方向发展,对现代中药学交叉研究起到引领作用。培养毕业博士12名和毕业硕士20余名,其中1人获得中国科学院院长特别奖,1人获得中国科学院院长优秀奖,1人获得中国科学院优秀博士学位论文。
(1)国家杰出青年科学基金项目(no. 31525005),2016/01–2020/12,400万元;
(2)国家自然科学基金重点项目(no. 21937006),2020/01–2024/12,360万元;
(3)云南生物医药重大科技专项(no. 2019zf011-2),2019/01–2021/12,2450万元;
(4)nsfc-云南联合基金重点项目(no. u1202263),2013/01–2016/12,185万元;
(5)国家重点基础研究计划(973)子课题(no. 2013cb127505),2013/01–2017/12,100万元;
(6)国家自然科学基金面上项目(no. 31770390),2018/01–2021/12,78万元。
2. 代表性论文(#第一作者,*通讯作者)
(1)yuegui chen#, desen li#, yi ling#, yanchun liu, zhili zuo, lishe gan, shihong luo, juan hua, dingyuan chen, fan xu, man li, kai guo, yan liu*, jonathan gershenzon, shenghong li*. a cryptic plant terpene cyclase producing unconventional 18- and 14-membered macrocyclic c25 and c20 terpenoids with immunosuppressive activity. angewandte chemie international edition, 2021, 60: 25468–25476. (if: 16.823)
(2)shihong luo#, qian luo, xuemei niu, mingjin xie, xu zhao, bernd schneider, jonathan gershenzon, shenghong li*. glandular trichomes of leucosceptrum canum harbor defensive sesterterpenoids. angewandte chemie international edition, 2010, 49: 4471–4475. (if: 16.823)
(3)kai guo#, yan liu#, shenghong li*. the untapped potential of plant sesterterpenoids: chemistry, biological activities and biosynthesis. natural product reports, 2021, 38: 2293–2341. (if: 15.111)
(4)yan liu#, shuxi jing#, shihong luo, shenghong li*. non-volatile natural products in plant glandular trichomes: chemistry, biological activities and biosynthesis. natural product reports, 2019, 36: 626–665. (if: 15.111)
(5)yi liu#, hongyan liu, shenghong li*, wei ma, dingtao wu, huabin li, aiping xiao, liangliang liu, fan zhu, renyou gan*. cannabis sativa bioactive compounds and their extraction, separation, purification, and identification technologies: an updated review. trac-trends in analytical chemistry, 2022, 149: 116554. (if: 14.908)
(6)yan liu#, shihong luo, axel schmidt, guodong wang, guiling sun, marcus grant, ce kuang, minjie yang, shuxi jing, chunhuan li, bernd schneider, jonathan gershenzon, shenghong li*. a geranylfarnesyl diphosphate synthase provides the precursor for sesterterpenoid (c25) formation in the glandular trichomes of the mint species leucosceptrum canum. plant cell, 2016, 28: 804–822 (cover article,if: 12.085)
(7)yan liu#, shihong luo#, juan hua, desen li, yi ling, qian luo, shenghong li*. characterization of defensive cadinenes and a novel sesquiterpene synthase responsible for their biosynthesis from the invasive eupatorium adenophorum. new phytologist, 2021, 229: 1740–1754. (if: 10.323)
(8)xiaoyu yang#, yonghong chen#, longlong zhang#, jiangbo he, qunfu wu, shuhong li, jianghui gou, donglong wang, keqin zhang, shenghong li*, xuemei niu*. melanin precursors mediated adaption to temperature changes in fungus and animal via inhibition of lipid-mediated ferroptosis. science china life science, 2023, doi: org/10.1007/s11427-022-2265-6. (if: 10.372)
(9)desen li#, juan hua, shihong luo, yanchun liu, yuegui chen, yi ling, kai guo, yan liu*, sheng hong li*. an extremely promiscuous terpenoid synthase from the lamiaceae plant colquhounia coccinea var. mollis catalyzes the formation of sester-/di-/sesqui-/mono-terpenoids. plant communications, 2021, 2: 100233. (cover article, if: 8.625)
(10)desen li#, minjie yang#, rongfang mu, shihong luo,yuegui chen, wenyuan li, an wang, kai guo, yan liu*, shenghong li*. characterization of two chimeric sesterterpene synthases from a fungal symbiont isolated from a sesterterpenoid-producing lamiaceae plant leucosceptrum canum. chinese chemical letters, 2023, 34: 107469. (if: 8.455)
(11)yu zheng#, zhiwei liu, tao li, xian li, shenghong li*. kio3-mediated γ-c(sp3)-h sulfenylation of enaminones. organic letters, 2022, 24: 7533–7537. (if: 6.072, nature index)
(12)juan hua#, liuchun yan, shihong luo, yan liu, chaojiang xiao, xiaonian li, shenghong li*. immunostimulatory 6/6/6/6 tetracyclic triterpenoid saponins with the methyl-30 incorporated cyclization from the root of colquhounia elegans. organic letters, 2021, 23: 7462–7466. (if: 6.072, nature index)
(13)linlin teng#, rongfang mu, yanchun liu, chaojiang xiao, desen li, jianxiong gao, kai guo, xiaonian li, yan liu, fang zeng, shenghong li*. immunosuppressive and adipogenesis inhibitory sesterterpenoids with a macrocyclic ether system from eurysolen gracilis. organic letters, 2021, 23: 2232–2237. (if: 6.072, nature index)
(14)kai guo#, yan liu, shihong luo, yanchun liu, desen li, wenyuan li, shenghong li*. detoxification of plant aromatic abietanoids via cleavage of the benzene ring into 11,12-seco-diterpene polyenes by a specialist insect of leucosceptrum canum. organic letters, 2020, 22: 126–129. (if: 6.072, nature index)
(15)yonghong chen#, jiangbo he#, xue bai, xiaonian li, lanfeng lu, yanchun liu, keqin zhang*, shenghong li*, xuemei niu*. unexpected biosynthesis of fluorescein-like arthrocolins against resistant strains in an engineered escherichia coli. organic letters, 2019, 21: 6499–6503. (if: 6.072, nature index)
(16)linlin teng#, tianyang song, zifei xu, xiao liu, rong dai, yonghong chen, shenghong li*, keqin zhang*, xuemei niu*. selected mutations revealed intermediates and key precursors in the biosynthesis of polyketide-terpenoid hybrid sesquiterpenyl epoxy-cyclohexenoids. organic letters, 2017, 19: 3923–3926. (if: 6.072, nature index)
(17)shihong luo#, cedric l. hugelshofer#, juan hua, shuxi jing, chunhuan li, yan liu, xiaonian li, xu zhao, thomas magauer*, shenghong li*. unraveling the metabolic pathway in leucosceptrum canum by isolation of new defensive leucosceptroid degradation products and biomimetic model synthesis. organic letters, 2014, 16: 6416–6419. (if: 6.072, nature index)
(18)chunhuan li#, shuxi jing, shihong luo, wei shi, juan hua, yan liu, xiaonian li, bernd schneider, jonathan gershenzon, shenghong li*. peltate glandular trichomes of colquhounia coccinea var. mollis harbor a new class of defensive sesterterpenoids. organic letters, 2013, 15: 1694–1697. (if: 6.072, nature index)
(19)shihong luo#, juan hua, chunhuan li, shuxi jing, yan liu, xiaonian li, xu zhao, shenghong li*. new antifeedant c20 terpenoids from leucosceptrum canum. organic letters, 2012, 14: 5768–5771. (if: 6.072, nature index)
(20)shihong luo#, yan liu, juan hua, xuemei niu, shuxi jing, xu zhao, bernd schneider, jonathan gershenzon, shenghong li*. unique proline-benzoquinone pigment from the colored nectar of “bird’s coca cola tree” functions in bird attractions. organic letters, 2012, 14: 4146–4149. (if: 6.072, nature index)
(21)shihong luo#, linhong weng, mingjin xie, xiaonian li, juan hua, xu zhao, shenghong li*. defensive sesterterpenoids with unusual antipodal cyclopentenones from the leaves of leucosceptrum canum. organic letters, 2011, 13: 1864–1867. (if: 6.072, nature index)
(22)chunhuan li, xuemei niu, qian luo, mingjin xie, shihong luo, yanying zhou, shenghong li*. novel polyesterified 3,4-seco-grayanane diterpenoids as antifeedants from pieris formosa. organic letters, 2010, 12: 2426–2429. (if: 6.072, nature index)
3. 代表性论著