承担各级科研项目22项(主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、部省级课题3项、厅局级课题3项、校级课题3项、横向课题2项);承担《制药设备与车间工艺设计》等课程的本科教学任务;公开发表论文130 篇(第1作者及通讯作者50 篇);主编出版《彝族医算书》,编委出版《羌族医药》《保健食品研发与应用》《四川省藏药材标准(2014年版)》;取得国家发明专利授权17项(第1发明人6项)、取得新药临床批件1项(排名第6)。获得2018年第八届四川省教学成果一等奖1项(排名第5)、2014年第七届四川省教学成果三等奖1项(排名第2)、2017年民族医药科学技术进步一等奖1项(排名第4)、2014年首届民族医药科学技术进步二等奖1项(排名第6)、2018年四川省科技进步二等奖1项(排名第4),2006年四川省科技进步三等奖1项(排名第3),2012年四川省科技进步三等奖1项(排名第3)、2012年成都市科技进步一等奖1项(排名第4)、2002年成都市科技进步二等奖1项(排名第5)、2006年成都市科技进步三等奖1项(排名第1)、2006年成都市科技进步一等奖1项(排名第3)。
1.shiling li, liqiong yu, qian shi, yue liu, yi zhang(通讯作者),shaohui wang(通讯作者), xianrong lai(通讯作者). an insight into current advances on pharmacology, pharmacokinetics,toxicity and detoxification of aconitine. biomedicine & pharmacotherapy,volume 151, july 2022, 113115
3.xi tang, hui feng, jie gao, ruohong bi, lin pan, yi shi, yunfeng han, xianrong lai.effect of berbamine hydrochloride on the absorption of berberine hydrochloride in an in situ single-pass intestinal perfusion system in rats. tropical journal of pharmaceutical research (tjpr).2022,21(4):787-794
5.yi shi, banghua zhou(通讯作者),liqiong yu ,yaqin liu,yunfeng han,xi tang,xianrong lai(通讯作者).understanding of diabetes in tibetan, mongolian, miao, dai, uygur, and yi medicine and collation of prevention and cure medicines. evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine.2022(9308598)
6.jie gao, yi shi, yunfeng han, xi tang, ruohong bi, lin pan, xianrong lai(通讯作者). one-way intestinal perfusion of pvp/va–poloxamer 188–curcuma longa l. extract solid dispersion in rats in vivo and its effect on hsc–t6 cell proliferation. aaps pharmscitech. 2022 23:83
8.lili pu, chunhong yang, liqiong yu, shiling li, yaqin liu, xinan liu, xianrong lai (通讯作者). tibetan medicines for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy. evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine.2021(7845848)
9.lin pan, jie gao, yunfeng han, yi shi, xi tang, lili pu, xianrong lai(通讯作者), renqing dongzhu(通讯作者) ,jinkui zhang, qieni xiangmao,jiumei pengcuo(通讯作者). the treatment of cholecystitis and cholelithiasis by tibetan medicine. evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine.2021(9502609)
10.yunfeng han, yunan xiang, yi shi, xi tang, lin pan, jie gao, ruohong bi, and xianrong lai(通讯作者). pharmacokinetics and pharmacological activities of berberine in diabetes mellitus treatment. evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine.2021(9987097)
11.jie gao, lin pan, ruohong bi, yi shi, yunfeng han, xi tang, xianrong lai(通讯作者). tibetan medicines and tibetan prescriptions for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine. 2021(5532159)
15.梁雨生,曾勇,朱正文,蒋晴,侯娅,王小艳, 赖先荣(通讯作者),李先加,李啟恩(通讯作者).藏药吉堪明目方对糖尿病视网膜病变大鼠的影响及机制研究[j].中国现代应用药学,2020,37(11):1281-1289.
16.ruohong bi,jie gao,lin pan,xianrong lai(通讯作者). progress in the treatment of diabetes mellitus based on intestinal flora homeostasis and the advancement of holistic analysis methods. natural product communications. 2020,15(4): 1–11
17.xiufang liang, yunan xiang, yanling li, ping feng(通讯作者), yongpin qin(通讯作者), xianrong lai(通讯作者). a rapid method for simultaneous quantification of berberine, berbamine,magnoflorine and berberrubine in mouse serum using uplc-ms/ms. journal of chromatography b. 2020, 1142: 122040
18.xianrong lai, dong tong, xiaopeng ai, jiasi wu, yu luo, fang zuo, zhicheng wei, yanqiao li, wanyi huang, wenqian wang, qing jiang, xianli meng, yong zeng, ping wang. amelioration of diabetic nephropathy in db/db mice treated with tibetan medicine formula siwei jianghuang decoction powder extract. scientific reports, 2018,8:16707
19.王小艳,向宇楠,高洁,潘琳,毕若红,赖先荣(通讯作者),李啟恩,李先加.藏药四味姜黄汤中10种有效成分含量测定及其煎煮工艺优化. 中国药房. 2020,31(8):13-919
20.向宇楠,王小艳,冯慧,赵娅,李啟恩,李先加,赖先荣.外翻肠囊法考察盐酸小檗胺对盐酸小檗碱肠吸收特性的影响.中国实验方剂学杂志: 2019,25(17):98-103