一、 个人简介
宋驰教授多年来从事药用植物资源、基因组及生物信息学研究,共同发起“千种本草基因组计划”并筹建计划联盟。已成功发表丹参、菊花、黄连、地黄、红豆杉、穿心莲等sci研究论文三十余篇,包括国际顶级学术期刊nature genetics(2011,2012a,2012b,2012c),nature biotechnology(2013),nature communicaiton(2014,2017,2021a,2021b),nature plants,和 molecular plant(2015,2018)等文章,累计影响因子超过400。
宋驰教授带领团队,在全球首次利用第四代高通量测序技术——ont技术完成了超复杂基因组——菊花基因组测序,并以第一作者身份于2018年成功发表在国际顶级植物学期刊molecular plant上(if=21.949)。首次证明,第四代测序技术可以有效应用于高杂合、高复杂基因组测序,被国际同行广泛引用。目前,ont测序技术已经成为了“千种本草基因组计划”的创新性、引领性技术,并广泛适用于药用植物基因组测序。
邮箱: songchi@cdutcm.edu.cn
1. chia jm, song c, bradbury pj, et. al. maize hapmap2 identifies extant variation from a genome in flux. nature genetics. 2012, 44(7):803-7.
2. hufford mb, xu x, van heerwaarden j, pyhäjärvi t, chia jm, cartwright ra, elshire rj, glaubitz jc, guill ke, kaeppler sm, lai j, morrell pl, shannon lm, song c, springer nm, swanson-wagner ra, tiffin p, wang j, zhang g, doebley j, mcmullen md, ware d, buckler es, yang s, ross-ibarra j. comparative population genomics of maize domestication and improvement. nature genetics. 2012, 44(7):808-11.
3. wang k, wang z, li f, ye w, wang j, song g, yue z, cong l, shang h, zhu s, zou c, li q, yuan y, lu c, wei h, gou c, zheng z, yin y, zhang x, liu k, wang b, song c, shi n, kohel rj, percy rg, yu jz, zhu yx, wang j, yu s. the draft genome of a diploid cotton gossypium raimondii. nature genetics. 2012, 44(10):1098-103.
4. varshney rk, song c, saxena rk, azam s, yu s, sharpe ag, cannon s, baek j, rosen bd, tar'an b, millan t, zhang x, ramsay ld, iwata a, wang y, nelson w, farmer ad, gaur pm, soderlund c, penmetsa rv, xu c, bharti ak, he w, winter p, zhao s, hane jk, carrasquilla-garcia n, condie ja, upadhyaya hd, luo mc, thudi m, gowda cl, singh np, lichtenzveig j, gali kk, rubio j, nadarajan n, dolezel j, bansal kc, xu x, edwards d, zhang g, kahl g, gil j, singh kb, datta sk, jackson sa, wang j, cook dr. draft genome sequence of chickpea (cicer arietinum) provides a resource for trait improvement. nature biotechnology. 2013,31(3):240-6.
5. song c, liu y, song a, dong g, zhao h, sun w, ramakrishnan s, wang y, wang s, li t, niu y, jiang j, dong b, xia y, chen s, hu z, chen f, chen s. the chrysanthemum nankingense genome provides insights into the evolution and diversification of chrysanthemum flowers and medicinal traits. molecular plant. 2018,11(12):1482-1491.
6. song c, fu f, yang l, niu y, tian z, he x, yang x, chen j, sun w, wan t, zhang h, yang y, xiao t, dossa k, meng x, cao f, van de peer y, wang g, chen s. taxus yunnanensis genome offers insights into gymnosperm phylogeny and taxol production. communications biology. 2021, 4(1):1203.
7. wan t, liu z, leitch ij, xin h, maggs-kölling g, gong y, li z, marais e, liao y, dai c, liu f, wu q, song c, zhou y, huang w, jiang k, wang q, yang y, zhong z, yang m, yan x, hu g, hou c, su y, feng s, yang j, yan j, chu j, chen f, ran j, wang x, van de peer y, leitch ar, wang q. the welwitschia genome reveals a unique biology underpinning extreme longevity in deserts. nature communications. 2021,12(1):4247.
8. reyes-chin-wo s, wang z, yang x, kozik a, arikit s, song c, xia l, froenicke l, lavelle do, truco mj, xia r, zhu s, xu c, xu h, xu x, cox k, korf i, meyers bc, michelmore rw. genome assembly with in vitro proximity ligation data and whole-genome triplication in lettuce. nature communications. 2017, 8:14953.
9. liu y, wang s, li l, yang t, dong s, wei t, wu s, liu y, gong y, feng x, ma j, chang g, huang j, yang y, wang h, liu m, xu y, liang h, yu j, cai y, zhang z, fan y, mu w, sahu sk, liu s, lang x, yang l, li n, habib s, yang y, lindstrom aj, liang p, goffinet b, zaman s, wegrzyn jl, li d, liu j, cui j, sonnenschein ec, wang x, ruan j, xue jy, shao zq, song c, fan g, li z, zhang l, liu j, liu zj, jiao y, wang xq, wu h, wang e, lisby m, yang h, wang j, liu x, xu x, li n, soltis ps, van de peer y, soltis de, gong x, liu h, zhang s. the cycas genome and the early evolution of seed plants. nature plants. 2022, 8(4):389-401.
10. liu y, wang b, shu s, li z, song c, liu d, niu y, liu j, zhang j, liu h, hu z, huang b, liu x, liu w, jiang l, alami mm, zhou y, ma y, he x, yang y, zhang t, hu h, barker ms, chen s, wang x, nie j. analysis of the coptis chinensis genome reveals the diversification of protoberberine-type alkaloids. nature communications. 2021, 12(1):3276.
11. su x, yang l, wang d, shu z, yang y, chen s, song c. 1 k medicinal plant genome database: an integrated database combining genomes and metabolites of medicinal plants. horticulture research. 2022, 9:uhac075.